One Book One Boulder 2025: Book Reveal

The library is excited to announce that this year’s One Book One Boulder selection is “See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love” by Valarie Kaur. This powerful book invites readers to embrace revolutionary love as both a remedy for our times and a path to a better future. Valarie Kaur, renowned Sikh activist and civil rights lawyer, shares her transformative philosophy—a radical, joyful practice that connects us to others, opponents and ourselves.
Attend an informational session that will prepare you to facilitate your own book circle about “See No Stranger.” We’ll provide everything you need to get your circle started, including a free copy of this year’s book.
Sunday, February 2, 3 – 4 p.m., at Reynolds.
Monday, February 3, 3 – 4 p.m., at Meadows.
No matter how you’d like to get involved — be sure to subscribe to the One Book One Boulder newsletter. Stay updated on all the exciting OBOB programs and events. Don’t miss out on updates and the opportunity to join the community-wide conversation!