Our Seed to Table program is a combination of events and resources from the library and community partners with a focus on sustainable living. See our recorded programs playlist on YouTube.
Boulder Public Library’s Seed Library exists for the free exchange of vegetable, herb, and native plant seeds. We accept donations of homegrown seeds and unopened store-bought seed packets. Please take what you need, and pick up an empty Seed Library envelope to share your extra seeds with the community! Be sure to watch our calendar for Seed Swaps and Seed Saving programs!
*If using the Seed Library, please only take home as many filled seed packets as you donate, or take less than 5 per season if you are unable to donate right now!
The Edible Learning Garden is a demonstration of how to grow food sustainably in a small urban space. It is farmed (planted, maintained, and harvested) by Community Food Share. Community Food Share is a food bank fighting hunger in Boulder and Broomfield Counties by providing access to fresh, nutritious food through local partners and its onsite and mobile pantries. All produce grown in the Library’s Edible Learning Garden is donated to Community Food Share!