Monday, Feb. 24 – Friday, Feb. 28 – The ADA accessible entrance to Carnegie Library will be closed for repairs.

Home Delivery Program

Información sobre el Programa de Entrega de Libros y DVDs a Domicilio de la Biblioteca de Boulder

El Programa de Entrega de Libros y DVDs a Domicilio de la Biblioteca de Boulder ayuda a quienes viven en el distrito bibliotecario de Boulder y no pueden llegar a la biblioteca por razones de edad o salud, y no cuentan con alguien (amigos o miembros de la familia) que pueda recoger los artículos de la biblioteca por ellos. Si quiere más información en español sobre este programa o quiere registrarse, llame a Christine Burke al 303-441-3098 o envíe un correo a [email protected].

Program Information

Our Home Delivery Program provides home delivery of library materials to patrons who meet the eligibility criteria below. Patrons in the program are paired with a trained volunteer who delivers and picks up library materials on a regular basis. The program is offered based on volunteer availability.

Who is eligible?

Individuals eligible to participate in the program include those who live in the Boulder Public Library District boundaries; have no one available (friends and/or family members) to pick up and return library items; AND who are unable to get to a library for an extended period because of:

  • age,
  • disability, or
  • illness.

Apply for Home Delivery!

How does the Home Delivery Program work?

  • A trained volunteer is matched with each patron in the program.
  • Library materials are delivered to the patron’s home and materials for return are picked up and returned to the library.
  • In limited cases, the volunteer can also help the patron with the selection of the materials and managing their library account.
  • Frequency of deliveries depends on the patron’s reading habits, availability of holds, hold appointments, and availability of volunteers. Typically, deliveries and pick-ups will be every two to three weeks.

What library materials are offered through the program?

Materials that can be delivered include:

  • Books (regular and/or large print)
  • Audiobooks on CD
  • DVDs
  • Requested library materials from other area libraries as they are available.

Magazines are currently not available through the Home Delivery Program.

What are the patron’s responsibilities in the Home Delivery Program?

  • Have a library account in good standing
  • Work with your volunteer to arrange for materials to be dropped off and picked up at a time that is convenient for both parties
  • Relinquish library items that cannot be renewed
  • Maintain the condition of library materials in your possession

How do I get started? Fill out the Home Delivery Application. Once it is received, we will work to match you up with a volunteer. We will contact you as soon as a volunteer is available, typically within two to three weeks.


Questions? Contact Christine Burke at 303-441-3098 or [email protected].