Paper & Spine Used Bookstore

The library’s used bookstore started over 20 years ago when the Boulder Library Foundation offered a semi-annual used book sale to the public. Since then, a used bookstore has maintained a permanent residence at the Main Library. Volunteers have remained the store’s foundation, supporting the coordination of donations, stocking shelves, and managing large book sales. The Paper & Spine Used Bookstore is located on the bridge between the children’s section and Seeds Library Cafe.
All the books inside Paper & Spine have been donated to the library. Revenue from the bookstore goes to funding the volunteer program, special projects and the purchase of library materials. Donated materials are not added to the library collection.
Pricing in the Paper & Spine Used Bookstore
Prices as of July 2023
(prices are subject to change)
Books and Magazines Prices
- Children’s paperbacks books only: $1
- Mass market paperback books: $1
- ALL other books: $2
- Magazines: $0.25
Media Prices
- Music CDs: $1 per disc
- DVDs, 1 to 4 disc set: $2
- DVDs, 5 or more disc set: $5
- Audio Books: $5 per book
- Great Courses: $5 per set
Larger Used Book Sales or Specialty Sales
Paper & Spine will periodically host specialty genre book sales such as for children’s books, history books, cookbooks and more. Large sales may also be held periodically throughout the year. Sales will be advertised in the library calendar.