Open Call for Exhibitions

The application for the 2025 Open Call for Exhibitions will be open from August 1 – 31, 2024.

The 2024 open call application includes a range of exhibition spaces available within Boulder Public Library and Boulder Recreation Centers. Artists are invited to review the information below for each location and check off their desired exhibition space within their application. Artists may be selected for more than one location and can expect follow-up correspondence from both institutions (if applicable).

The Open Call

This joint open call includes the opportunity to present artwork at the East and North Recreation Centers on a monthly calendar basis. Please review the centers’ available space and requirements before applying.

Within the library, there are four unique spaces available for art exhibitions: the Canyon Gallery at Main; the Arapahoe ramp at Main; the George Reynolds Branch and the display area at the Meadows Branch. At each location, exhibitions are displayed for two-month time periods.

The library prioritizes exhibitions that:

  • Elevate the voices of the diverse communities we serve,
  • Illuminates a topic that is relevant to the local community,
  • Creates visitor engagement opportunities, either through participatory in-gallery elements or public programming (this item is specific to the Canyon Gallery),
  • Demonstrate the applicant’s ability to produce the proposed project.

The Canyon Gallery at the Main Library is for large exhibitions, which typically involve multiple artists vs. solo projects. In this space, we encourage artists to experiment with new ways of sharing community-driven topics. Projects presented here merge visual display with conversation and civic-related content.
The three other exhibition spaces within the library seek applications with the qualities listed above, though due to the smaller size they are suitable for both group/community presentations and solo projects.

To make sure the project is a good fit, please review the guidelines specific to the space for which you are applying: Canyon Gallery, Arapahoe Ramp, George Reynolds Branch, or Meadows Branch for a full overview of requirements covering exhibitor responsibilities and available equipment.

Applications must include a completed application form, a CV for the project leader and up to five pages of sample work. Samples can be sent as an individual image attachment or a combined pdf. Selected samples should be related to project scope or demonstrate the applicant’s ability to create the proposed project.


The library values supporting artists and the creative economy and offers honorariums for applicants to use as they see fit. For exhibitions on the Arapahoe ramp, Meadows or George Reynolds, an honorarium of $150/month will be paid. For Canyon Gallery exhibitions a fee of $400/month will be paid. Some exhibitions may require additional funding, please make a note of these needs in your application and special funding requests will be reviewed on an individual basis. Additional stipends are available if an applicant is booked to present a public program(s).

For inspiration about exhibitions we’ve supported, view past highlights.