Meeting Room Information

Reserve A Meeting or Study Room

Meeting Room and Study Room Policy

Study Rooms

All study rooms include 1 table, 2 chairs, and a dry-erase board.

LocationNumber of RoomsMax Occupancy
Main Library22
George F. Reynolds Library22
Meadows Library22
NoBo Library22

Meeting Rooms Available for Reservation

Reserve A Meeting or Study Room

Meeting Room and Study Room Policy

LocationRoom NameFloorMax OccupancyFurnitureAudiovisual EquipmentAdditional Amenities
Main Library Building MapArapahoe Meeting RoomSecond306 tables and 12 chairs;55″ LCD screen with VGA and HDMI ports
Wall-mounted dry erase board
Boulder Creek Meeting RoomFirst808 tables and 48 chairs; 72 chairs without tablesProjector, 60”x90” screen, and VGA and HDMI ports
Small countertop with sink area, large rolling dry erase board, and wireless microphone
Eldorado Meeting RoomFirst244 tables and 10 chairs; 18 chairs without tables60” LCD screen with VGA and HDMI ports
Small countertop, sink area and standing dry erase board
Flatirons Meeting RoomSecond206 small tables, 12 chairs60” LCD screen with VGA and HDMI ports
Standing dry erase board
George F. Reynolds LibraryReynolds Meeting Room*Basement568 tables and 24 chairs; 56 chairs without tables75″ LCD screen with HDMI connection and HDMI portsSmall countertop with sink area and dry erase board
Meadows LibraryMeadows Meeting Room*First9014 tables and 56 chairs; 68 chairs without tablesProjector, 60”x96” screen, and VGA and HDMI portsLecturn, large rolling dry erase board, and small countertop and sink area; Piano is for use by library programs only.
NoBo LibraryCommunity RoomSecond497 tables and 49 chairs;Projector, 65″x104″ screen, VGA and HDMI portsSmall countertop with sink area and dry erase board
Meeting RoomFirst182 tables and 18 chairs66.2″ LCD screen with HDMI connection and HDMI portsSmall countertop and sink area

Meeting Rooms Not Available for Reservation

LocationRoom NameFloorMax OccupancyFurnitureAudiovisual EquipmentAdditional Notes
Main Library
Mt. Sanitas RoomFirst40Fixed tiered seating for 21 peopleProjector, 60”x96” screen, and VGA and HDMI portsWhen no programs are scheduled, it will be left open for informal gatherings by patrons.
Canyon Meeting RoomFirstNorth Bldg.356 tables and 15 chairsProjector, 60”x96” screen, and VGA and HDMI portsUsed for library and arts programs and meetings, library and arts commission meetings, and staff meetings.

*For security purposes, this meeting room is not available for drop-in use. Patrons holding a reservation may obtain access to the room from library staff.