Title: Ghost Forest by Pik-Shuen Fung “This debut novel weaves a meaningful story through sharp vignettes. Its repetition, humor, and symbolism come together to create a compelling narrative about family, identity, and grief. A short yet powerful read, it offers new layers of insight with each revisit.” — Bergen, George Reynolds Library More Book Reviews
Tuesday, Dec. 24 and Wednesday, Dec. 25 – All locations will be closed for the Christmas Holidays.
Tuesday, Dec. 31 and Wednesday, Jan. 1 – All locations will be closed for the New Year’s Holidays.
Posts Categorized: Featured
High School Equivalency / Equivalencia de la Escuela Secundaria
High School Equivalency Preparation classes in English – Registration Begins December 2 Ready to complete your high school diploma? Join our in-person HiSET/GED preparation classes, taught by experienced instructors in a supportive small-group setting. The library provides these classes at no cost, including all learning materials. Eligibility: Learners must be 17 or older and live […]
Digital Navigator Tech Help
Lost in tech? Let’s navigate together! Our digital navigator program is here to assist you with a wide range of digital tasks, from setting up email to navigating the internet. Install apps, find affordable internet options and apply for community resources with individualized help from a digital navigator. Appointments with digital navigators are 30 – […]
Art and Science Events
MESO at NOBO Look at the stars and planets with the Mobile Earth + Space Observatory (MESO). Use an augmented reality sandbox, learn about gravity, and observe the night sky at this free and bilingual event for all ages. Light refreshments will be provided. Thursday, October 3, 5 – 8 p.m., at NoBo. Jose Posada: The […]
Culture Passes Now Available
Explore Colorado’s cultural destinations for free! Reserve a Culture Pass online using your library card and get free entry to explore Colorado’s art, history and cultural attractions, including: Boulder Phil Concerts Butterfly Pavilion Dinosaur Ridge Museo de las Americas WOW! Children’s Museum Denver Museum of Nature & Science Pass benefits vary by location. Find more details. […]
Solve Your Technology Problems
Get your digital questions answered every Saturday Bring your tablet, phone, laptop, or other device and all your questions! Our friendly volunteers answer basic tech questions and help with the library’s online resources. No registration is required. Drop-ins are held Saturdays at two locations: Meadows Branch from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Main Library’s Flatirons […]
2024 Library Card Art Contest Winners
The library is thrilled to unveil the winning designs for new library cards, created by community members. Congratulations to Ayamani, Anya, Colton, Abby, and Hannah! These cards will be available this summer!
Recommended Read
Ultra-Processed People: The Science Behind the Food that Isn’t Food by Chris Van Tulleken “The author, an infectious disease doctor, does a masterful job presenting the harm caused by ultra-processed foods to our physical and mental health as well as the environment. This book motivated me to change my diet and see the need for […]
Becoming Boulder Public Library District
As 2023 winds to a close, the Boulder Public Library District Board of Trustees is reflecting on a whirlwind year spent preparing to transition to a library district and is looking ahead to the transition in early 2024. “The library staff and the trustees have been working rigorously to fulfill the campaign promises,” said Trustee […]
Now! Read the New York Times Anywhere
Enjoy newspapers & magazines on your laptop, phone or tablet Enjoy the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Boulder Daily Camera, Denver Post, Consumer Reports and scores of other magazines and newspapers, anytime, anywhere with your Boulder Public Library card and an internet connection. eCollections: Newspapers & Magazines