Volunteer and Donate


Volunteers are essential to the archive’s mission. Consider giving your time to help preserve Boulder’s history and make it accessible. Available opportunities are determined by current project needs.  For additional information, please email [email protected].

Opportunities may include:

  • Photograph scanning and uploading 
  • Collection organizing, packaging, labeling and arrangement 
  • Photocopying  
  • Oral History Interviewer 
  • Oral History Interview Transcriptionist

If you are able to make a regular commitment, staff will provide in-depth training to perform the tasks necessary to build the archive’s resources.

Participate in the Oral History Program

If you would like to learn more about becoming an oral-history volunteer, or if you have an idea about someone who should be interviewed, contact the Program Coordinator, Cyns Nelson at [email protected] or 303-441-1981. 

Donate to the Archive

Donations are vital to support the mission of Carnegie Library for Local History. The archive accepts donations of historical materials in paper, media and digital format and monetary gifts that support the preservation and maintenance of the collections.  

How to Make a Monetary Donation

Monetary gifts of any amount are appreciated and will be used to support preservation, access, programs, and the archive facility. Donations can be made to the Boulder Library Foundation. Please indicate that your donation is designated for the Carnegie Library for Local History or the Maria Rogers Oral History Program. 

Why Donate Materials or Digital Files?

The records of individuals, families, businesses and organizations document the history of Boulder, providing multiple, unique perspectives for future generations. Placing records in an appropriate archive ensures that the records will: 

  • Be cared for by professional archivists whose responsibility is to organize, protect, preserve and provide access to these important historical materials. 
  • Become part of the community’s collective memory. 
  • Be made accessible to anyone. 
  • Be preserved and accessible for future generations. 

How to Donate Materials or Digital Files

Thank you for considering a donation of historical materials or files to the archive.  We collect archival materials about people, places, and events in Boulder or Boulder County. Common types of items accepted include: photographs, letters, diaries, personal and business documents, architectural drawings, maps, albums, scrapbooks, newspapers, recordings and videos.  

If you have a historical object such as a painting, personal effect, etc. that is related to Boulder or Boulder County history, please consider donating it to the Museum of Boulder. 

Due to space limitations, we cannot accept any objects, or materials or files that are not related to Boulder or Boulder County.  

Please follow these steps to donate materials or files to the archive: 

  1. Review the Archive Collection Development Policy. 
  2. If applicable, review criteria for Digital Donations.
  3. Email a description of your materials to [email protected], or call 303-441-3110.  
  4. An archivist will contact you to discuss your donation and schedule an appointment if the donation will be considered for the collection.  
  5. Questions? Call 303-441-3110 or email [email protected].    
  6. If possible, we appreciate your assistance with preparing your donation for review prior to your appointment. 
    • Remove duplicate material.
    • Organize, date and identify materials to the best of your ability. Example: identify people and places in photographs and the authors of letters and diaries. Please use pencil or sticky notes to label materials to prevent damaging them.   
    • Consult with the staff member for instructions about converting and saving digital files in an acceptable format. 
    • Establish the value of the donation if you need it for tax purposes. 
  1. Complete a Deed of Gift Form [PDF] to be included with the donation at time of appointment.
  2. Meet with an archive staff person to review and/or deliver donations. If you need to ship or electronically transfer your donation to the archive, consult with the staff person about the best options for shipping materials or electronic transfer.  

Please note: All materials in your donation may not be selected for the collection. As a courtesy, archive staff will notify donors if any items in the donation are not selected for the collection. The items will be held for 60 days after the donor is notified. The donor is responsible for the cost of packaging and shipping of returned materials.  

What Happens to Materials Accepted for the Collection?

  • Materials from your donation that are accepted are put into a queue. The time to process them for access varies. 
  • Materials are reviewed, organized, identified and assessed for digital preservation by archive staff.    
  • A catalog record is created so that patrons can find and learn about materials on the archive website.   
  • Items that are selected for digital preservation are scanned and uploaded to the archive website.  
  • Materials may be accessed in the reading room by request and those that are digitally preserved may be accessed on the archive website.