Posts Categorized: About

One Book One Boulder 2025: Book Reveal

Book cover of See No Stranger

The library is excited to announce that this year’s One Book One Boulder selection is “See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love” by Valarie Kaur. This powerful book invites readers to embrace revolutionary love as both a remedy for our times and a path to a better future. Valarie Kaur, renowned Sikh […]


What do volunteers do at the library? Volunteers support the library’s mission, which is to connect people, ideas, and information to transform lives and strengthen our community. The contributions of volunteers create greater access to materials and services and significantly expand the library’s ability to meet evolving community needs. Volunteers deliver materials to patrons who […]

Digital Navigator Tech Help

Lost in tech? Let’s navigate together! Our digital navigator program is here to assist you with a wide range of digital tasks, from setting up email to navigating the internet. Install apps, find affordable internet options and apply for community resources with individualized help from a digital navigator. Appointments with digital navigators are 30 – […]

Unattended Children Policy

Sky Cone at the Main Library

En Español The Boulder Public Library District welcomes and encourages children to use materials and services of the libraries. As libraries are essential to the lives of children, we strive to provide useful, safe and inviting spaces for youth in all our facilities. However, neither the library nor its staff members act in loco parentis (in […]

Política de cámaras de seguridad

In English Las cámaras de seguridad y sus grabaciones asociadas tienen las finalidades siguientes: Promover la protección y la seguridad del personal, la comunidad y las instalaciones de la biblioteca. Apoyar el cumplimiento de las reglas de conducta de la biblioteca. Desalentar los comportamientos inadecuados e ilegales y Ayudar a capturar y procesar legalmente a los infractores. […]

Política de Niños sin Supervisión

Sky Cone at the Main Library

In English El Distrito des Bibliotecas Públicas de Boulder da la bienvenida y anima a los niños a usar los materiales y servicios de las bibliotecas.  Como las bibliotecas son esenciales para la vida de los niños, nos esforzamos en proporcionar espacios útiles, seguros y atractivos para los jóvenes en todas nuestras instalaciones. Sin embargo, […]

Security Camera Policy

En Español Security cameras and the associated recordings are intended to: Promote safety and security of the staff, community members and library facilities, Support enforcement of the library’s rules of conduct, Discourage inappropriate and illegal behavior, and Aid in the apprehension and prosecution of offenders. Recordings will be obtained and used in manner that is consistent […]

Digital Accessibility Plan

Approved June 18, 2024, Updated January 2025  I. Accessibility Standards In accordance with Colorado law, the District is committed to applying standard configurations for technologies and services, in accordance with the technical standards provided by: World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1 Level AA or higher; Section 508 of the S. […]

Posted on August 16, 2024
Categories: About

Política de privacidad

In English Los registros de cuentas de los usuarios de las instalaciones del Distrito de Bibliotecas Públicas de Boulder son confidenciales. Los Estatutos Revisados de Colorado (C.R.S.), en su sección 24-90-119 prohíben la divulgación de los registros de clientes, excepto en situaciones limitadas cuando así lo establezca la ley del estado. La información siguiente, en […]