Posts Categorized: About

Donate to the Library

Donate to support our mission of connecting people, ideas, and information.  Your gift will transform lives and strengthen our community. Money Support our mission by becoming a friend of the Boulder Library Foundation. The Foundation values tax-deductible cash donations in any amount. These funds support programs and services not included in the library budget. All […]

Collection Development Policy

En Español Purpose The Boulder Public Library (BPL) Collection Development Policy is a framework for the growth and development of the collection of library materials and resources in support of its mission.  BPL seeks to provide a collection that balances viewpoints across a broad spectrum of subject matter and opinion in formats suitable to a […]

Reglas de conducta

Sky Cone at the Main Library

In English Propósito El Consejo de Administración del Distrito Bibliotecario Público de Boulder (BPLD) y los miembros del personal le damos la bienvenida. Lo invitamos a que use los espacios, servicios y recursos de la biblioteca y estamos comprometidos a brindarle a la comunidad un espacio acogedor, limpio y cómodo. Le pedimos su cooperación para […]

Community Book Discussion

Dr. Jane Zelikova

with Dr. Jane Zelikova, Nuria Rivera-Vandermyde, and Climate Initiatives At this One Book One Boulder event, look at “All We Can Save” through a local lens with contributor, scientist and climate activist Dr. Jane Zelikova alongside Boulder’s City Manager and Climate Initiatives Department. Register to receive reminders about the event, and Watch LIVE on YouTube.

Posted on September 20, 2021
Categories: About, News

2018 Library Master Plan

building blocks

The foundational pillars of the Boulder Public Library Master Plan are the vision for the next 10 years, the goals, and commitments to the community. The vision defines BPL’s role in partnership with the community. Vision for the Next Ten Years The Boulder Public Library serves as a centerpiece of the community, a destination for […]

Posted on September 15, 2021
Categories: About

Boulder Public Library District Formation

En Español Content Sections TimelineFrequently Asked QuestionsDistrict mapKey Resources Overview A library is more than a place to borrow a free book. It is a vital civic space for people to meet and have conversations, study, hang out with friends, and engage in fun, educational activities and cultural experiences. It is evident from increased usage […]

About Us

Library book stacks

The foundational pillars of the Boulder Public Library Master Plan are the vision for the next 10 years, the goals, and commitments to the community. The vision defines BPL’s role in partnership with the community. 2018 Library Master Plan Mission Statement: Connecting people, ideas, and information to transform lives and strengthen our community. Annual Reports […]

Posted on May 28, 2021
Categories: About

Suggest a Purchase

This form is for Boulder Public Library patrons to make purchase suggestions. The Library routinely acquires materials from commercial publishers that meet our criteria and priorities for selection as outlined in our Collection Development Policy. We also may acquire self-published books when they include unique local content, fit the scope of the Library’s collection plan, […]

Posted on April 26, 2021
Categories: About


View the full news archive. Newsletter Signup View past Library Newsletters.

Posted on December 22, 2020
Categories: About

Política de distribución de información de la comunidad

In English Como un gesto de cortesía y, a su entera discreción, el Distrito de Bibliotecas Públicas de Boulder puede seleccionar y distribuir materiales escritos sobre programas, eventos y servicios públicos comunitarios, así como atracciones turísticas y lugares culturales de Boulder y de otros sitios cercanos del condado, cuando así lo permita el espacio, a […]