Monday, Feb. 17 – All locations will be closed for Presidents Day.

Community Bulletin Board Policy

En Español

The Boulder Public Library District provides a community bulletin board at each location for patron use on a self-serve basis. Posting of notices does not indicate District endorsement of the ideas, issues, or events promoted by those notices.

  • All notices posted on the community bulletin board must contain the name and contact information of the sponsoring agency and/or its authorized representative.
  • One notice per event or issue is
  • Notices will be removed when they are no longer timely or when space is required for more current items.
  • The library assumes no responsibility for the preservation or protection of any materials
  • In fairness to the numerous community groups, the library may control the frequency with which notices may be posted by the same organization.
  • Posting information of illegal or criminal nature or that violates the Library Rules of Conduct is prohibited.

Approved by the Board of Trustees on June 18, 2024.