Monday, Feb. 17 – All locations will be closed for Presidents Day.

Program, Exhibition and Display Selection Policy

En Español

Boulder Public Library (BPL) is committed to providing a wide variety of library programs, exhibitions and displays based on library master plan goals, the library mission, City of Boulder Racial Equity Plan goals and the library Programs and Events Sponsorship Policy. BPL seeks to provide programs, exhibitions and displays that balance viewpoints across a broad spectrum of subject matter and opinion that are suitable for a variety of learning and recreational interests.

BPL and the Library Commission adopted the American Library Association’s Library Bill of RightsFreedom to Read, and Freedom to View statements and bases this policy on the principles of intellectual freedom and equal access for all.  BPL maintains that only parents and guardians have the right and responsibility to determine their own minor children’s access to library resources, programs, exhibitions or displays and community sponsored programs.

Process for Request for Reconsideration

An eligible individual has the right to request reconsideration of materials or resources in the collection, programs, exhibitions, and displays by completing and submitting a Request for Reconsideration Form [PDF]. Please review the Request for Reconsideration Policy.

Adopted by the Boulder Public Library District Board of Trustees, December 12, 2023.