High School Equivalency

BoulderReads offers 3 different programs, the descriptions for each are below.

Career Online High School

Career Online High School offers adults the chance to earn their high school diploma, as well as career certificates. Learn more about this program here. Full scholarships now available! If ready to begin the process, click here and complete the Readiness Survey. 

High School Equivalency (HSE) Test Preparation Classes in English

It’s time to finish your high school diploma with an experienced instructor in a small group setting. The library offers 12 weekly in-person HSE preparation classes, providing all learning materials needed at no cost. Learners must be 18+ years old and live or work in Boulder County. In order to earn a high school equivalency diploma you must pass all 5 subjects: Reading, Writing, Social Studies, Science, and Math. Classes prepare learners to take high school equivalency exams approved by the Colorado State Dept. of Education.

Additional tutoring support may be available if needed. Registration is limited to 15 students.

Spring 2025 classes will be on Tuesdays 6 – 8 pm in person at NoBo Library. Registration is open, click here to register. Please register by February 4th.

Drop-In HiSET Tutoring session on Saturdays (beginning in February 2025)

We offer drop-in tutoring on Saturdays from 11:00am until 1:00pm in the BoulderReads Classroom, at NoBo Library. All adult (18+ years old) students studying for the HiSET are welcome to come by for extra support from a tutor, to take a practice test, or to use the space to individually study. If you’re interested in joining a class in the future, you are welcome to drop-in and learn about the exam and ask questions to our tutors and staff.

Please register here!

For the full schedule of drop-in sessions, please visit the library event calendar here.

Clase de preparación para el examen de equivalencia de la escuela secundaria en español

Es hora de terminar tu diploma de escuela secundaria con un instructor experimentado en un grupo pequeño. La biblioteca ofrece clases presenciales de preparación para los exámenes de HSE y proporciona todos los materiales de aprendizaje necesarios sin costo alguno. Los estudiantes deben tener más de 18 años y vivir o trabajar en el condado de Boulder.  Esta clase te prepara para las pruebas en 5 materias: lectura y escritura, estudios sociales, ciencia y matemáticas. Las clases preparan a los estudiantes para tomar exámenes de equivalencia de escuela secundaria aprobados por el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Colorado.

Para obtener un certificado de equivalencia de escuela secundaria, debes aprobar los 5 exámenes. Es posible que haya apoyo de tutoría adicional disponible si es necesario. La inscripción está limitada a 15 estudiantes.

Este semestre ofreceremos dos clases en español en los siguientes días:

  • Clase de lectura en persona en NoBo – aula de BoulderReads, los lunes, de 10:00 a 11:30 a. m., del 3 de febrero al 5 de mayo. Para registrarse correo electrónico [email protected].
  • Clase de escritra en línea, los martes, de 6:00 a 7:30 p. m., del 4 de febrero al 22 de abril. Ya esta completa.

La inscripción se abre el 2 de diciembre y se cierra el 14 de enero. 

Learn More About Exams for High School Equivalency in Colorado

The state of Colorado accepts the following 2 exams to earn a High School Equivalency Diploma:

For up-to-date information regarding HSE testing in Colorado, visit the Colorado Department of Education’s High School Equivalency page.

Other High School Equivalency Resources

The BoulderReads Literacy Collection at Boulder Public Library maintains a variety of HSE preparation resources and materials for learners and instructors/tutors. You can prepare for your exam with free online classes using your Boulder Public Library card. Find out more!