Monday, Feb. 24 – Friday, Feb. 28 – The ADA accessible entrance to Carnegie Library will be closed for repairs.

Recurring Programs and Events Policy

Boulder Public Library District (BPLD) offers a limited number of opportunities for recurring programs and events that bring value to the community and are aligned with BPLD’s mission. Recurring programs and events are defined as library hosted programs in library facilities that are coordinated by a community member, group or organization and are supported or co-organized by the library.

Terms and Conditions

Organizations presenting recurring programs or events shall observe the following terms and conditions.

  1. Program or event organizers, presenters, and attendees must comply with the Library Rules of Conduct and the Meeting Room and Study Room Use Policy.
  2. Organizations may make oral requests for donations to be contributed directly to the organization at their website or mailing address. Donation collection boxes or soliciting and collecting monetary donations in library facilities is not permitted.
  3. Organizers may post or distribute materials at the door of the venue only or on the community bulletin board.
  4. The program or event should be accessible to attendees with special needs to the degree possible.
  5. Any communications about the recurring program or event must be approved by BPLD staff prior to release of those materials. Inclusion of the BPLD logo or the phrase “In Collaboration with the Boulder Public Library District” may be requested by the District on printed materials. Program or event communications includes all marketing materials, press releases, web pages, calendar listings, advertisements, etc.
  6. Organizers must inform BPLD staff at [email protected] of any media inquiries or when television, radio, web- or print-media interviews are scheduled, and/or when the media reports are expected to be released.
  7. Organizers shall report the number of attendees after the end of the program or event. Additional information requested by BPLD, such as press clippings, marketing collateral, and a narrative about the success of the program or event in addressing the standards outlined in the Evaluation Criteria below, shall be provided by the Organizers within ten business days of such request.

Failure to abide by these general terms and conditions may result in the withdrawal of the program or event and forfeiture of the opportunity for the organization to apply in the future. Boulder Public Library District, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to revoke a recurring program or event at any time.

Proposal Evaluation Criteria

Proposals for recurring programs and events are evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Alignment with BPLD’s Mission.
  • Potential of the program or event to appeal to a diverse audience of a significant number of community members.
  • Programs or events that meet the above criteria and are free and open to the public.

The following program or event categories will not be considered:

  • Political campaigns, including programs or events that intend to influence the passage or defeat of ballot issues, city ordinances, or to promote candidates for political office.
  • Religious programs that promote a single religious viewpoint over that of others.
  • Content that advocates violence or intolerance.
  • Content that advocates the violation of Municipal, State, or Federal laws.

BPLD Support of Recurring of Programs and Events

When a program or event is accepted as a recurring program or event, BPLD, at its discretion, may provide one or more of the following:

  • Priority scheduling of library facilities.
  • Promotion on the library calendar.

Application Process

Applications are accepted annually for recurring programs or events to take place in a library meeting room. The individual or organization must re-apply each subsequent year. The application forms are available here from May 1 – 15 and November 1 – 15.

Recurring Programs Application

Recurring programs or events are defined as programs or events scheduled at regular intervals over a long period of time. For example, daily, weekly, or monthly meetings are considered recurring. Several events in a limited series held over a few days (e.g. festival or convention) are not considered recurring and the organizer may reserve a meeting room through the meeting room reservation system.

Organizers of recurring programs or events are asked to review the Terms of Use in the Meeting Room and Study Policy and to provide the following:

  • A name and email for one lead contact person.
  • A brief description of the programs.
  • A twelve-month commitment with monthly dates, times, and locations. Partial-year sponsorships will not be granted. Organizers should review the library calendar for date/time availability before applying.
  • An estimated monthly attendance number in the application.
  • Up to date program and event information for the library calendar. Organizers should monitor their program or event information on the library calendar to ensure it is accurate.

Rescheduling or Cancellation

  • The organizers are responsible for rescheduling all programs or events due to library closures or other reasons using the meeting room reservation system. For assistance, call 303-441-3100 or speak to a staff member at an accounts desk for assistance.
  • For cancellations with less than 48 hours’ notice, please call 303-441-3100.

Adopted by the Boulder Public Library District Board of Trustees, May 14, 2024.