En Español The Boulder Public Library District is committed to ensuring all patrons can engage with and explore our digital platforms’ countless opportunities and services without issue or limitation. Therefore, the Boulder Public Library District endeavors to conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines v2.1 at Level AA (WCAG 2.1 AA) for all digital assets […]
Posts Categorized: Rules & Policies
Canyon Theater Use Policy
En Español The Main Library Canyon Theater is available free of charge for use by individuals, and nonprofit, community, and for-profit business groups regardless of their beliefs or affiliations for gathering and presenting and exchanging views on subjects of all kinds. Organizers are encouraged to design events accessible to attendees with special needs as much […]
Recurring Programs and Events Policy
Boulder Public Library District (BPLD) offers a limited number of opportunities for recurring programs and events that bring value to the community and are aligned with BPLD’s mission. Recurring programs and events are defined as library hosted programs in library facilities that are coordinated by a community member, group or organization and are supported or […]
Makerspace Use Policy
En Español Boulder Public Library District (BPLD) provides open access to information and encourages the free and respectful expression of all points of view. The BPLD makerspaces extend those commitments into the world of making by providing open access to a wide variety of equipment and tools during Open Studio hours, and by offering classes […]
Computer Use and Internet Safety Policy
En Español Policy Statement The Boulder Public Library District (BPLD) provides internet access as a service to the community. The internet contains a wide variety of material and opinions from various points of view. Not all sources provide information that is accurate, complete or current and some information may be considered offensive or inappropriate to […]
Materials Donation Guidelines
En Español Boulder Public Library accepts new or gently used: Hardcover and trade paperback books, typically ranging from 5 x8” to 6 x 9” Media materials (DVDs, CDs, audiobooks) in good condition Mass market (typically 4.25 x 6.87” pocket size) paperbacks less than 5-year and in excellent condition The library cannot accept the following materials: […]
Collection Development Policy
En Español Purpose The Boulder Public Library (BPL) Collection Development Policy is a framework for the growth and development of the collection of library materials and resources in support of its mission. BPL seeks to provide a collection that balances viewpoints across a broad spectrum of subject matter and opinion in formats suitable to a […]
Reglas de conducta
In English Propósito El Consejo de Administración del Distrito Bibliotecario Público de Boulder (BPLD) y los miembros del personal le damos la bienvenida. Lo invitamos a que use los espacios, servicios y recursos de la biblioteca y estamos comprometidos a brindarle a la comunidad un espacio acogedor, limpio y cómodo. Le pedimos su cooperación para […]
Política de distribución de información de la comunidad
In English Como un gesto de cortesía y, a su entera discreción, el Distrito de Bibliotecas Públicas de Boulder puede seleccionar y distribuir materiales escritos sobre programas, eventos y servicios públicos comunitarios, así como atracciones turísticas y lugares culturales de Boulder y de otros sitios cercanos del condado, cuando así lo permita el espacio, a […]
Política de seguridad para el uso de computadoras e internet
In English Declaración de la política La Biblioteca Pública de Boulder (BPL) proporciona acceso a internet como un servicio a la comunidad. Internet contiene una amplia variedad de material y de opiniones con diversos puntos de vista. No todas las fuentes proporcionan información precisa, completa o actualizada y cierta información puede considerarse ofensiva o inapropiada […]